Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Turkey Disguise Project - Where's Waldo

I have heard a lot of friends and co-workers talking about disguising a turkey for their kids class. My oldest son came home with the same project. I asked him what do you want to disguise your turkey as and he said "Where's Waldo!". The disguise project began!
The first thing we did is googled some printable coloring pages. To size it right we held up our turkey to the computer screen to make sure the sizes were perfect.

While he cut them out to be paper glued on I went to the art closet and got a red and white pipe cleaners to twist together, a red pom pom for his hat, and two googly eyes.

We then glued the back of the cutouts and stuck them to the turkey. Next we glued the pom pom to his hat, cut the pipe cleaners to make a scarf, added googly eyes, and then colored the stripes on his shirt and feathers. Once that was done we colored his shorts, beak, head, and feet.
The last step was gluing the cane on to the turkey. Now we have a Where's Waldo costume on a turkey! I cannot wait to see pictures of your turkey disguises! Good Luck!!

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