Wednesday, December 17, 2014

'Tis the Season

It is the holiday seasons everyone you have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentines Day right after each other. Finding time to breathe and relax between one down and another to go is very hard to do.  When you can't DE-stress and plan your next move it can cause some built up anxiety which a lot of the time you find yourself projecting that on family, friends and more often than not your coworkers and customers.
It is no joke how easy it is to get mixed in with the fast paced season and feel you have no time for anything! That coworker slacks or snaps at you and you find yourself snapping back then what you snap at your next customer putting them in a bad mood and they snap on someone else; it is a vicious never ending cycle! Instead of snapping back TRY to breathe, smile and find a way to connect to the person in front of you and make sure they leave you smiling and happy or less stressed than they were when they came to you.

Don't let that office be your office! More importantly when you make someones day they will remember you-that person may be your future boss or coworker- as well as your own boss may recognize you for the good deed done or well handled escalation or shall I say DE-escalation! You may come to work and find this on your desk or in your locker!

During this holiday season I would love for you to ask yourself these questions:

What lights me up this time of year? Tea, Hot coco, Tinsel Trail, Ice Skating, Brandon Heath, or snuggled down reading a book/watching a movie. Whatever lights you up make time for it!

What do I need to feel happy this holiday? If you are not happy then those around you won't be.

What do I need to do to take care of myself and enjoy? You know yourself better than anyone else so take care of yourself. Take a long shower, eat a big meal, and sleep!

Now that you have an idea of what you need to do make yourself happy and light up like a Christmas tree or at least one bulb on that tree then delve deeper into yourself:

What is my intention for this new week? Make out that to do list. Brighten somebodies day, include a coworker on a project, bake food, get your last gifts bought.

What is my intention for December? Become a better person, find a new job, move into your own place, rent or buy a house, adopt a pet, or make a friend. Find out what you want the month to be focused on.

What is my intention for the holidays? Spend time for family, get closer to Jesus and celebrate his birth, become a better cook, find a church. Grab that yearning deep down and pull it up to your mouth where you can taste it and go after that!

What do I want 2015 to be for me? This is big when people start making their new years resolutions. Instead of making a list like kicking the soda, sweets, meats, etc focus on one thing and one thing along. WHAT DO YOU WANT AND HOW DO YOU WANT IT?! Now put that on paper and make your plan for that to come true in 2015!

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